Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Moment In Time...

There is a moment in time
That everyone waits for
Called the first time..
The only moments in time
That actually stop time
The only moment in time
That really makes a difference
In your life
The first time
When your eyes meet those
Of that special someone
When your lips touch
Forming that first kiss
The first embrace
The first time
You make love
These moments in time
Really mean the most
The first award
The first good grade
The start of a lifetime
Of achievements
Things that make you proud
Confident, strong, and empowered
The birth of your
First child
The start of a new legacy
The first time
I love you is uttered
Through nervous and anxious feelings
As the burden of the soul
Is lifted
Because the emotions once
Bottled up inside
Have been relased
For the first time
A moment in time hoped to last forever
We cherish these moments
The only moments in time
That actually stop time.



I try to protect everyone in my life that has ever meant something to me...including family, friends, lovers, et cetera. I realize that sometimes it's not my job or burden to take on, but its embedded in my character... I'm a man of my word, and I don't make promises that I can't tears me up inside when I want to be there but can't... I hate to see people I love and care about go through senseless drama. I hate to see them sad, crying, upset, worried, or anything negative... I always try to let people in my life know that with me, they'll never be alone, no matter how long it's been since they've talked to them or how far apart we are...

I've been told that with some people that need to show them tough love so that they can realize how wrong they may have treated me or realize how important I am... I don't see it that way...maybe sometimes I should, it would probably save me a lot of feelings somewhere down the line...

I realize that everyone to live their own lives and experience everything that their decisions and choices bring, but what if I can feel that the outcome is not going to be good or bring pain to them? Am I wrong for trying to prevent it? I am faithful and loyal to all, and I don't ask for it in return...because, at the end of days, I have to answer to everything that I've done, not anyone else...

I feel like I'm rambling, so, I probably am...I feel like it doesn't make any sense... But what I do know is... I'll always be the one my friends and loved ones can depend on, and there will never be a moment when I'm not there... protecting them.


Sunday, October 18, 2009


i don't know
who you are anymore
it gets harder
to say
that when i look at you
in the mirror
each day
that i see the person
who i've been
all this time
because i honestly
don't know who he is
hidden deep
underneath layers of adapting
adjusting, agreeing, acquiesing
and appeasing
stuck at a point
of being in between
seeing him
seeing her
seeing them
each time i look
in the mirror
i don't even know
who you are anymore.


Saturday, October 17, 2009


Eyes exchange
Personified notes
Sneaking away in fantasies
Unlocked in the mind
By feelings felt
From deep within
Feelings that bleed
From the heart
In between the staggered
Staccato like beats
As I stare
Those eyes...
Palms begin to sweat
I think I'm nervous
But yet...
I have to remember
Not to forget
My lines
I rehearsed them
Day and night
Waiting for this moment
Mind in torment
Hoping that your response
Would be
The release
To my soul
Held captive
By a consciously
Unconscious thought
Inconspicuously hovering
Over me
Like the night shadows
That loom
When the sun clocks out
And the moon clocks in
For the night shift
I held back this feeling
For so long
Countless days of courting
Endless nights of love making
Making the love we share
A connection
That surpasses the lust filled
Undertones of sex
Visions of a family
As you give birth
To the seeds
That will carry on my legacy
Pictures of perfection
That have lead us to
This moment
When I stare into
Those eyes
Take a deep breath
Inhaling your spirit
As you exhale
Take your hand and ask,
Baby, will you marry me?


Monday, October 12, 2009


as the cool summer breeze
surrounds me
engulfing me in an embrace
of comfort
and reassurance
i let go of us
putting everything into the wind
to give to the universe
and now
i wait patiently
for you to come back
to me.
even though i know
you never left
i've always carried you
with me
and i always will...
close to my heart
where you belong
with your love resting
next to my soul.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

To my brother...

Rest in Peace... It's crazy that it's been a whole year, but the world has never been the same since you left... You will be forever missed...

Kapri Funderburk

Gone, but never forgotten.