Wednesday, September 30, 2009


My heart doesn't always process things
The way my mind does
Sometimes they agree
And other times they are at odds
Or at each other's throat
Because everybody wants
To get their point across
Obviously, each feels that its more important
Than what the other has to say
At times I find difficulty
Trying to decipher
Which one of the two is right
Obviously my thoughts
Make me rational
And my feelings
Make me human
So they clash when its time
To meet in the middle
Traveling down the road of uncertainty
Of curiosity
Of wonder
Heart felt emotions
Overshadow logic sometimes
Forcing me to choose between the two
Obviously, I'm alone in this choice
A choice that I've been making
From day one
Hoping that my unanswered questions
Will get an honest answer
Or maybe form into statements
That I hold on as a friendly reminder
That obviously...
My thoughts have often lead me astray
And obviously my feelings
Are not good enough.

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