Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 31 - Reflection...

Today is the conclusion of 30/30 - a poem a day challenge... I'll be honest, at first I thought I wouldn't be able to do it...there are some days were I doubled up, but that was more my fault than anything... At any rate, this experience opened my eyes to a side of myself and my writing that I've never seen... And I know that I am capable of writing a poem a day for a long time... This challenge has inspired me to continue this and develop it into another poetry I will prob do this til the end of 2009 for the book... Hopefully I won't drive myself insane in the process...lmao...

I mentioned to "she that will remain nameless" that I did not want to turn out like the guy off of secret window who was talking to the man that really didn't exist... Yep, I see me, but crazier...ha... I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who stuck in there with me and read my work everyday... It made me realize that I have a lot of points to get

They say I have a gift... And I say... I guess I do... And I will always use my gift to inspire, motivate, entertain, relate, strengthen, empower, and inspire those around me... This is only the tip of the ice berg...

I know everybody's wondering about the novel... Please be a little more patient with me... It's going to be finished very soon... And its well worth the wait... I'm a perfectionist and I want my first novel to be perfect so all the next ones can be even better...

Again, thank you for supporting me and my writing... This was a very humbling experience... I'm glad I stood up to the challenge...


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